The Buddha describes the three qualities that a bhikkhu should be endowed with to transcend Māra's domain and shine like the sun.

Māradheyya sutta - Māra's Domain

This was said by the Blessed One, said by the Arahant, so I have heard:

"Bhikkhus, a bhikkhu endowed with these three qualities transcends Māra's domain and shines like the sun. What three? Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu is endowed with: The perfected aggregate of virtue, the perfected aggregate of collectedness, and the perfected aggregate of wisdom—a bhikkhu endowed with these three qualities transcends Māra's domain and shines like the sun."

The Blessed One spoke on this matter. In this regard, it is said:

"One in whom virtue, collectedness, and wisdom, have been well cultivated; Having transcended Māra's domain, shines like the sun."

This matter too was spoken by the Blessed One, as I have heard.