DhammaPada verses 21-32 share on diligence and the importance of being diligent and wise. The wise one is encouraged to guard against negligence and to cultivate diligence as a path to liberation.
Appamādavagga - Chapter 2 - Diligence
Diligence is the path to the deathless, Negligence is the path to death; The diligent do not die, The negligent are as if dead.
Thus, understanding this distinction, The wise excel in diligence; They rejoice in heedfulness, Engaged in the domain of the noble ones.
Those meditators who are practicing continuously, consistently firm in effort; The stable ones attain liberation, The unsurpassed safety from the bonds.
One who is energetic and mindful, pure in actions, who acts calmly; Self-restrained and living ethically, The fame of such a diligent one surpasses.
By initiative and diligence, with self-restraint and discipline; The wise one should make an island, Which no flood can submerge.
Immature, unwise persons, indulge in negligence; But the wise one guards diligence, like the most important wealth.
Do not indulge in negligence, Do not delight or associate with sensual pleasures; The diligent one, meditating, experiences expansive contentment.
When with diligence, the wise one dispels negligence; Climbing the tower of wisdom, free from sorrow, seeing the sorrowful persons; Like one on a mountain top sees those on the ground, the stable one sees the immature, undiscerning persons.
The diligent amongst the negligent, wide awake amongst the asleep; Like a swift horse amongst the feeble, the wise one proceeds leaving them behind.
Through diligence, Maghavant, attained eminence amongst the gods; They praise diligence, negligence is always blamed.
A bhikkhu who is devoted to diligence, who sees danger in negligence; Burns away all fetters, both subtle and gross, like a blazing fire that consumes everything.
A bhikkhu who is devoted to diligence, who sees danger in negligence; Is incapable of decline, and is near to Nibbāna.